Saturday, November 20, 2004

May I Borrow A Cup Of Motivation?

So how do I get the party started? Probably with taking some "baby" steps and not worrying about quality or quantity. Consistency is a better way of thinking of it. So here goes. Even if it's one line a day, I'm going to give it the ole college try. Hmmm, bad choice of words as I never graduated college, but I digress.

So I did it, committed to going back to the gym after 2 years??? I've lasted two weeks and have lost 4 pounds. I refused to tell anyone, except those that stumble over my blog, but what the hell. Seems I always sabotage myself by sharing my attempts at weightloss with friends and only end up feeling guilty / ashamed when I next visit them larger than before. I've decided that this is for myself and no one else. I've gotten to an age when the weight impacts my health and so this is for me.

Congrats to me.


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